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Penny Appeal Open


8am – 5pm


Royal Ontario Golf Club
6378 Trafalgar Road
Milton, ON L9E 0Z2 Canada


$200 Individual, $800 for Group of 4
  • This event has passed.

About This Event

Join us on August 7th, 2021 for the inaugural Penny Appeal Open at Royal Ontario Golf Club. We look forward to hosting you for this one of a kind experience with lots of fun, prizes and surprises! All proceeds from the tournament will support our Education First projects both domestic and international. Registration is now open - tee times are selected on a first come first serve basis. Book your foursome today!


To our sponsors, #TeamOrange Volunteers and Golfers for supporting the inaugural Penny Appeal Open. To access event photos, please click below.


Tournament Fees (All Inclusive)

$200 per golfer

Power Golf Cart

Use of driving range and putting green

Takeaway Lunch (Available after 9 or 18 holes)

Awards (Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Tournament Winner)

$10K Hole in One Contest

Penny Appeal Silent Auction is Live